After all these Pep Talks, I thought a break for some "retail therapy" was in order.  As an interior designer, we have a lot more vendors to source product from than the general public, but if you follow me on Instagram you know I have a deep love for Target.  I was able to source some insanely affordable pieces from Target’s new Opalhouse line. This woven cotton throw in pink and these medallion melamine plates worked perfectly in our beach house project.  To my surprise Opalhouse offers bedding, furniture, lighting, and more. I paired a couple of my Opalhouse LOVES with products from World Market for the ultimate “Bohemian Beach” shopping list.  

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

Create your very own Bohemian Beach retreat with these three simple steps:

  1. C O N T R A S T - this is the secret ingredient here!  Check out the dark colored rug paired with the light rattan chair. This is my definition of contrast.  Layering in the Kiera pillow from our very own Pepline carries the contrast from the ground up.  Did you notice a pattern? We went from dark (rug) to light (chair) and back to dark again (pillow).  When in doubt, use a pattern to layer contrast.

  2. Next up in terms of pulling this together is S T Y L I N G.  Blending styles to create a curated look is one of our signature moves. The gold lanterns bring a more traditional look into this bohemian space, while the rug definitely reads southwestern.  Aim to include 3-5 styles in each room..

  3. Embrace M I X I N G  M E T A L S.  The trim on the chandelier and lanterns is antique brass, while the legs of the chair are black.  Look out for a Pep Talk on this very topic soon!

Are you ready for some retail therapy?  Let me know what your latest shopping "find" is with a comment below.  


